Ever since I was a kid, I had always carried a few extra pounds. It was not enough to even call me chubby though. That did not happen until I went away to college. I lived on campus, and I gained 10 pounds my freshman year. The following three years on campus put another 20 pounds on me, and I was officially overweight when I graduated last year. I did not want this to affect my health or anything, so I researched effective ways to lose weight. I decided to buy Orlistat online after reading a good bit about it.
I wanted something that was safe, as that was my main concern. It did not make much sense to me to lose the weight only to be sick because of it. I felt that Orlistat was safe for me to use because I was fortunate to not have developed diabetes because of my weight gain. There were no other factors that played into taking it, so I went ahead and ordered it online since that was the most affordable option for me. It did not take long to get delivered to my door, and I started taking it the next day.
I had read stories from other women who have taken this, and I was amazed at how quickly they dropped the weight. I was not expecting for that to happen to me as quickly as it did for them. That is why I was so surprised when the pounds started falling off me just as fast. I went down three sizes in just a couple of weeks, and I am now at my target weight for several months now. I look better, and I definitely feel better. This was one of the best decisions I could have made because it honestly changed my life.